Secure Instant Messaging for Companies
Success Stories
Learn more →Instant Messaging More Popular Than Ever
Instant messaging is becoming an indispensable communication channel in the corporate world. It enjoys great popularity among all employees. Countless chat messages are shared among colleagues and business partners every day, some of them containing sensitive or even confidential information or personal data. Make sure your company uses instant messaging in a secure way.
Cyber Threats on Mobile Devices
Ransomware, CEO fraud, phishing, espionage: if you don’t provide well-protected communication channels, your employees’ devices are targets for all kinds of cybersecurity attacks.
Example: a simple tap on a well-crafted message by a fraudster posing as a staff member could paralyze your company for days.
That’s why putting a secure business messenger in place is key to an effective cybersecurity strategy!
App Features
Learn more →The Threema Work app provides a wide range of features that allow for fast and efficient communication and streamline processes across all departments. In addition to basic app features such as voice, video, and group calls, special features such as the off-hours policy and the poll feature are particularly useful in the business context.
Security and Privacy by Design
With its true end-to-end encryption, being open source, unparalleled metadata restraint, and privacy by design, Threema Work is probably the most trusted business messenger on the planet. The Swiss-made app is so secure, it’s even suitable for highly sensitive information.
Perfect Also for Non-Desktop Workers
The messenger is a great help – not only within the office environment but across all departments. You can easily include non-desktop workers as well. They don’t have to disclose their phone numbers to use Threema Work on their private devices.
Separate Personal from Business Communication
If you don’t provide your employees with a business solution, they will resort to using their personal chat apps. This will have serious security and privacy implications for your company.
Powerful Administration Tool and Policy Enforcement
Threema Work also provides a powerful administration tool for user management and policy enforcement. Make sure that former employees don’t remain in company chats and retain access to sensitive company information. If somebody leaves the company, you can withdraw access in just one click.
App configuration
One-to-Many Communication via Instant Messenger
With Threema Broadcast, you can send corporate news in a simple chat message – and reach all your employees at once. This attracts much more attention than an old-school email newsletter.
Business Continuity: Ensure Seamless Communication
Threema Broadcast is also a great tool for business continuity scenarios. Do you know how to communicate when your cloud-based office tools are down? Threema Work helps you to ensure seamless communication and remain operable in the event of a system breakdown.