Reach students anywhere, anytime
The Arnold-Janssen-Gymnasium, a Catholic private school, is one of the largest gymnasiums in Nordrhein-Westfalen, counting more than 1,000 students. Threema Education has been in use since 2019 across all grade levels. Teachers and students use it for direct communication in single and classroom chats; school administration and school management use it for top-down communication.
Use Cases
- In classroom chats, questions are discussed and assignments are handed out in accordance with the educational mandate.
- The school office uses Threema to communicate with students, e.g., in case of course cancellations. (Advantage: Students can be reached anywhere, anytime.)
- Distribution lists are used almost on a daily basis to provide current information to the students.
- By means of newsfeeds, all participants of a given event (e.g., a parents’ evening) can be contacted with minimal effort.

Harald Lohmann
“It has become much easier for us to reach our students.”
The administration interface allows for quick and easy setup of the service.
Since licenses are transferable, there are no follow-up costs.
Threema is very well received by students, parents, and teachers.

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