Dynamic Group Creation and Straightforward Information Distribution
AOZ is an independent public institution of the city of Zurich. On behalf of the federal government, cantons, and municipalities, it performs tasks concerning social welfare and integration support for asylum seekers, refugees, and other immigrants, and it provides general assistance and accommodation to them. AOZ further imparts knowledge and advises professionals and interested parties on migration and integration topics. More than 1,000 employees use Threema Work for internal and external communication.
Use Cases
- Threema Work is used for both communication among employees (in single and group chats) and for top-down communication via Threema Broadcast.
- AOZ further uses Threema Work to exchange information quickly within the departments and to plan resources for night duty.
- Thanks to Threema Work’s API, user management processes (e.g., adding or removing employees or distributing login credentials via email) can be automated. In addition, the Threema Broadcast API allows to create groups to which employees can be added automatically.
- Threema Broadcast is also used to inform about system outages quickly in case of emergency.
- For AOZ’s wide range of courses, Threema Education is the ideal price plan: it offers teachers the possibility to easily contact their course participants via Threema Work.

Filip Soldo
Application Manager
“Threema Work enables AOZ to communicate in a secure way and exchange information within the organization quickly and easily.”
Threema Work convinced us because it allows us to communicate in a secure privacy-compliant manner.
Threema Work was adopted quickly by the staff, everyone is using it extensively and with great pleasure.
The comprehensive APIs allow us to automate the user management and various other processes.

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