Hospital STS AG – Rescue Service
Separation between professional and personal communication
The ambulance corps of the hospital Simmental-Thun-Saanenland (STS) AG is responsible for rescue services in the Bernese Highlands and in the metropolitan area Thun. More than 80 employees are available around the clock to perform rescues and patient transports in case of emergencies.
Use Cases
- Threema Work helps to strictly separate personal and professional communication; internal information is exchanged via this secure channel.
- Threema Work is used for short-term deployment planning (e.g., in case of a sick leave).
- For each operational department of the ambulance service, there is a group chat for internal communication.
- Threema Work is also suited for bilateral communication between response teams.
Threema Work: Perfectly Suited for Medical Communication

Marc Stiller
Deputy Head of Rescue Service
“Instant messaging is a contemporary means of communication, and our employees enjoy using Threema Work.”
Even though team members don’t have to use Threema Work, almost all of them do.
Since the app is easy to use and its installation doesn’t require any skills, it’s ideally suited for technically inexperienced employees.
There are various benefits of instant messaging, e.g., group chats, permanent availability, and file transfer.

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