Saxony State Forestry Service

Threema Work as Replacement for WhatsApp and Telegram

The Saxony State Forestry Service (Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst), founded in 2006 and located in Pirna, is a special state authority of the Free State of Saxony, Germany. The institution is supervised by the Saxon State Ministry for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture. Its responsibilities include the integrative, sustainable management of the forest areas of Saxony and the provision of advice and support to corporate and private forest owners. With the competence center of forests and forestry, the Saxony State Forestry Service contributes to hands-on research and the development of environmentally sustainable forest cultivation and timber production. The institution also serves as the upper forest and hunting authority, and in its role as nature conservation agency, it manages Saxony’s three major nature reserves.

Use Cases

  • On most company smartphones, Threema Work is installed as instant messenger.
  • Threema Work is used for internal communication within operational working teams (e.g., park rangers, forestry workers, social hunt arrangements).
  • The Saxony State Forestry Service also uses the chat app for communication with external partners (e.g., timber customers, disposal services, forestry experts).
“After having reviewed alternatives to WhatsApp and Telegram, we decided to use Threema Work for business purposes.”

Gerald Seiger

Head of Information Systems Division


Until now, we have mainly used WhatsApp and Telegram. Due to restrictive terms of use, these services don’t comply with current regulations and guidelines, which is why we have initiated to switch to Threema Work.


After introducing a central mobile device management (MDM) in the organizational units of the Saxony State Forestry Service, only the use of Threema Work is allowed.


It’s important that users can communicate both internally and with external partners using the messaging app.

Over 8,000 companies and organizations use Threema Work as their business-messaging service.

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