
Management Cockpit 2.9.0

A new setting allows users and contacts to be hidden in the company directory

General performance improvements and minor bug fixes

Enhanced the trial process to provide users with clearer guidance and easier navigation through the onboarding steps

Improved designs for multiple pages, including login, password reset, and registration

General performance improvements and minor bug fixes

The activation link for new users can now be emailed directly from the management cockpit

API: the new “CredentialReceiver” endpoints have been added, and the “Credentials: Create” endpoint has been updated to support sending the activation link via e-mail

General performance improvements and minor bug fixes

The "Users: List" API endpoint now also returns job title and department

General performance improvements and minor bug fixes

A job title and/or department can be specified for each user

In the user management, multiple users can be edited at once

General performance improvements and minor bug fixes

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Centrally managed groups and distribution lists can now be created and managed automatically on the basis of tags

The API endpoint “Contact Categories: List/Replace” has been removed

General performance improvements and minor bug fixes

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The management cockpit is now also available in Spanish.

Design and stability improvements in the app configuration

General performance improvements and minor bug fixes

Redesigned user activation link page

Deactivation of the deprecated API end point: /api/v1/logos. The documentation of the new endpoint can be found here.

Stability improvements and minor bug fixes

The company logo can now be uploaded as an image and does no longer have to be provided via URL.

In the user management, users can now be sorted by “Device created,” “Device last active,” “In contact list,” and “Threema ID”

Depending on how the list is sorted, the columns “Device created” and “Device last active” will be displayed in the user overview

When hovering over the “Device last active” column, the time when the device was created and when it was last active is shown

Various other improvements and minor bug fixes

Complete overhaul of the user management: the menu items “Credentials,” “Users,” and “App contacts” are now combined into “User management”

Users, licenses, and contacts can be added more efficiently and are shown in a tidy list (incl. filter and search function)

The new detail view of each user allows administrators to view master data and adjust user-specific settings

Tags and the employee number can now be allocated to the users directly in the user management

The process to delete credentials and Threema IDs was streamlined, and bulk deletion is now supported

Issues requiring action are displayed in the overview and in the users’ detail view

Various other improvements and minor bug fixes

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Various improvements in relation to the OpenAPI specification

Improved two-factor authentication (2FA)

2FA protection now covers more settings

Various design and UX improvements

Stability improvements and minor bug fixes

Via the new configuration setting th_keep_messages_days, you can now specify a time span after which old messages will be automatically deleted in the app

You can now order additional services around Threema Work in the management cockpit (e.g., onboarding support or Active Directory integration)

Other improvements and minor bug fixes

In the user overview, the “Last active” and “Created on” columns now also show the time in addition to the date

Other improvements and minor bug fixes

If the app configuration is deactivated, it will automatically be activated as soon as a setting is adjusted in the app configuration.

Renaming of the “Threema MDM” section to “App configuration”

The app-customization settings (company logo and custom URL for internal support) are now included in the “App configuration” section

The configuration settings are now structured into categories (it depends on admin rights which categories are displayed)

To adjust individual configuration settings, it’s now possible to filter the list in the corresponding section (“App configuration > Individual”) by user names

In the “Credentials” section, the first and last names of users can be defined in addition to the username/password pair

Credentials can now also be imported as a CSV file

API keys can now be restricted not only to individual IP addresses, but also to IP ranges

For the API restriction, IPv6 addresses are now also supported

If API keys are modified, you will now get an email notification

Other improvements and minor bug fixes

As of March 1, 2023, i.e., from API version 1.4.0, the pageSize parameter will be limited to 5000 for all GET requests. Please make sure your application is prepared accordingly.

Threema Work API: Introduction of the new API endpoint “MDM Credentials: Bulk,” which allows managing MDM parameters for multiple credentials at once. Documentation

Subscription group: you can now share the company directory across several subscriptions

Performance improvements and minor bug fixes

Restructuring of the management cockpit overview for better navigation to the different areas and features

Various minor visual improvements


  • Statistics older than one year are saved as a CSV file and can be downloaded in the “Statistics” section
  • Performance improvements and minor bug fixes

Security Improvements of Credentials

  • Storage format of credential passwords: if you save the password as hash, there’s no way for you to retrieve it
  • Prevention of ID changes: once the credentials are in use with a specific ID, they cannot be used in conjunction with another ID (unless the original ID is either revoked or detached from this subscription)
  • Improvements are also integrated in the Threema Work API (see Version 1.3.2)

The new company directory allows users to look up internal contacts right in the app

Threema Broadcast: Conduct polls in feeds and distribution lists

Threema Broadcast: Schedule messages

Threema Broadcast: Get delivery details

New price plans: Essential, Advanced and Professional

To learn more about this update and the new features, please refer to this blog post.

User overview now contains creation date of Threema IDs

Threema Work API: Update to Version 1.3.1 (Creation date of Threema IDs)

Performance improvements and minor bug fixes

All passwords can be revealed with a mouse click

Performance improvements and minor bug fixes

Passwords in the Credentials section are concealed by default and can be revealed with a mouse click

New credentials require a password of at least 8 characters

Performance improvements and minor bug fixes

Streamlined “App contacts” section

Broadcast IDs are now marked as internal contacts (if “Mark internal contacts” is enabled)

Fixed minor API bugs

Miscellaneous under-the-hood improvements

Redesigned management cockpit and dashboard

New text filter to narrow the list of credentials

Link multiple Threema Broadcast IDs to a Threema Work subscription

Faster Threema Broadcast synchronization

Miscellaneous under-the-hood improvements

Add additional email addresses to receive accounting notifications: Manage > Notifications > Add

Various UI improvements (e.g., in OTP screens)

API: New parameter (filterUsername) to filter users by credential username

Miscellaneous minor improvements