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Regain Privacy:
How to Protect Your Data on the Internet

“Accept all cookies” is the first thing Internet users read on almost every website. Many users automatically agree – either because the dangers of tracking are invisible and the consequences hard to grasp, or because the alternative is deliberately designed to be cumbersome. But how does this affect privacy on the Internet? And how can users’ data and devices be protected? This webinar provides you with answers to these questions and practical solutions.

Webinar in German

September 4, 2024 | 17:00⁠–⁠18:00 CEST | 60 min. | English

Webinar | Free

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Here’s What You Can Expect

In This Webinar, You’ll Learn:

  • what to keep in mind to protect your privacy when using websites
  • how to efficiently protect your personal data
  • which precautions protect your devices

Join the Webinar

The webinar is provided by the third-party platform “Livestorm.”

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The email address you have provided for the purpose of this webinar will be deleted once the recording has been sent to you.

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