Threema for Windows Phone: New features and UI tweaks

With the latest update, Threema’s Windows Phone version gets some new features, the most important being the agree/disagree functionality: It allows to agree or disagree with an incoming message without triggering a push notification on the chat partner’s device. Instead, a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” icon appears next to the corresponding message. This feature is now available on all platforms.

Media files (i.e., videos, pictures and voice messages) can use up a considerable amount of disk space. For this reason, the media management has been enhanced, allowing you to delete media files globally or on a per-chat basis, which makes freeing up disk space a snap.

If some of your group chats are reaching the limit of members, we have good news for you: The maximum group size was raised to 50.

Those are three of the functional improvements of the update 1.5.0, but there are visual enhancements, too. The chat wallpaper is now customizable, the default being our illustrative all-over pattern, and you can adjust the color of speech bubbles to your liking.

For further details, please consult the change log.

Dark theme and agree/disagree feature now available on iOS

With its latest Android update, Threema introduced a new agree/disagree feature. This handy feature is now also available on iOS. It enables you to agree or disagree with an incoming message without triggering a push notification on the chat partner’s device. Instead, a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” icon appears next to the corresponding message. This unique feature is not offered by any other messenger, which shows that – besides security – innovation is a driving force behind Threema’s development. The feature will be available on Windows Phone soon.

With its 2.6.0 update, the iOS version catches up with the Android version. Like on Android (and Windows Phone), there is now a dark theme available which looks sleek and elegant. Add to that the new chat wallpaper, which is another visual enhancement.

Furthermore, the maximum group size was raised to 50, VoiceOver support was improved to make Threema easier to use for the visually impaired, and thanks to the streamlined setup process, initially setting up Threema is now more intuitive and pleasant.

For all the details, read the change log.

Data Privacy Day – On the collection of user data and how to protect one's online privacy

Due to frequent news about surveillance by governments, data breaches by companies and attacks by hackers, concerns about data privacy have been growing over the past years. The Data Privacy Day, which takes place on January 28 every year, aims to raise public awareness on the subject.

Data is power. Personal data that has been collected can be preserved indefinitely, it can be endlessly reproduced, and it might eventually fall into the wrong hands. Therefore, the best protection against data abuse is to prevent the generation of data in the first place. There are many services that protect user data, but Internet users need to care about their data in order to take the right measures.

Together with Tresorit and ProtonMail, Threema would like to help to raise awareness about data privacy. In view of the occasion, Tresorit has created a website that shows what user data is being collected by large online companies. The point is to remind us that our data has a high value for the companies we give it to, which might lead us to rethink our behavior. On Tresorit's Blog, the CEOs of the three companies also share some tips on how to protect one's online privacy.

Speaking of privacy: Have you ever read Threema's privacy policy? It's not only transparent and comprehensible, it literally fits on a sheet of paper.

Version 2.6 for Android: Unique agree/disagree feature and more

New agree/disagree feature, individual notification settings per chat, up to 50 members in group chats – those are just some of the additions Threema’s 2.6 update for Android provides.

New agree/disagree feature

Threema’s acknowledge feature enjoys great popularity. It allows to confirm an incoming message without triggering a push notification on the chat partner’s device, providing an unobtrusive way of stating that you have taken note of – and agree with – a message. There are times, however, when you have to (silently) disagree. With Threema 2.6 for Android, you can do that:

  • In a single chat, tap and hold on a received message.
  • In the header, “thumbs up” and “thumbs down” icons appear.
  • To agree or disagree with the selected message, tap “thumbs up” or “thumbs down”, respectively.

This feature is currently only available in single chats on Android, but Threema versions for other platforms will follow.

Individual notification settings per chat

This might sound familiar: When disruption is most inconvenient, a lively discussion (on a topic you couldn't care less about) arises in some group chat, forcing you to take extreme measures like turning off your phone. With Threema 2.6 for Android, notification settings can be adjusted on a per-chat basis, allowing you to mute that one group chat specifically. You can choose to mute it indefinitely or only for a set amount of time.

Notification sounds can also be adjusted for each chat individually, enabling you to tell who has sent an incoming message before you pick up the phone.

Maximum group size raised to 50 and other improvements

Additions and changes in Threema 2.6 for Android include:

  • 170 new emojis added
  • Completely redesigned setup process
  • Raised max. group size to 50
  • New PIN lock screen with support for fingerprint reader and other system lock screen facilities (Android 6.0+)
  • Status messages for incoming or changed poll votes
  • Performance improvements
  • Two obsolete permissions removed
  • New agree/disagree feature
  • Individual notification settings for each chat

For further details, read the full change log.

New Threema Channel lets you keep up with what’s new and hot about Threema

Threema just launched its own news channel. If you wish to stay updated about Threema-related topics, you can add the Threema Channel to your contacts and receive interesting news directly within the Threema app.

Available News Feeds

Don't worry, though; the Threema Channel is unobtrusive. The Threema Channel features several feeds for different topics. You decide which feeds you want to subscribe to, and you can cancel subscriptions at any time, of course.

  • News: All news concerning Threema
  • Android: Changelog and Android related news
  • iOS: Changelog and iOS related news
  • Windows Phone: Changelog and Windows Phone related news
  • Special: We're giving away some Threema licenses and Threema T-shirts

Add the Threema Channel

To get the Threema Channel on your phone, simply add the ID *THREEMA to your Threema contact list, either manually or by scanning its QR code. Then, send the text «info» to this ID to get a list of available feeds and subscribe to the ones you like.

Launch giveaway

We're giving away some Threema licenses (each of 50 lucky winners will receive two licenses for our Android app) and five original Threema T-shirts to celebrate the launch of the Threema Channel. By subscribing to the feed “Special” you will automatically participate. The promotion will end December 31.

Threema’s 3rd anniversary: 50% off its regular price

Exactly three years ago, on December 12, 2012, the first version of Threema was released to Apple's App Store. A lot has changed since, both feature-wise and regarding the look and feel. Threema has become the best-selling secure instant messenger in Europe and received numerous awards and accolades. But one thing hasn’t changed: Our mission to provide the best secure messenger that effectively protects the privacy while remaining an independent company that is committed only to its users.

Celebrating Threema's 3rd anniversary, the app is available for half the regular price this Saturday, December 12.

Download Threema now: go to the app store

Give Threema away: How to

Tell your friends about the special offer: via email

Apple looks back: Threema again bestselling iPhone App in Germany

The second year in a row, Threema was named best selling iPhone app in Germany by Apple in their annual “Best of 2015” list. This confirms once again the continuing popularity of the successful secure instant messenger. It is good to see that more and more people care about their privacy. We’re very pleased about this recognition and would like to thank all our loyal users for their continued support.

Update 2.5.0 for iOS: Threema supports 3D Touch

The current update of our app for iOS (version 2.5.0) now supports Apple’s new 3D Touch technology introduced with the new iPhone 6s and 6s plus models. This new feature makes Threema even faster and easier to use. Further improvements concern VoiceOver and voice messages along with various bug fixes.

More detail about the changes: What’s new.

Threema selected by Google for best Android apps of 2015

2015 was an exciting year for Threema and made us the most successful privacy-protecting instant messenger in the world.

Threema for Android has improved both visually and feature-wise this year. Threema was one of the first important apps to feature a Material Design UI, and we supported Android Wear and Android Auto from early on. Google Play now rewards our efforts by placing Threema on its prestigious roster of best Android apps of 2015.

We’re very proud of what we have achieved, and we have big plans for next year.

The Threema Fan Shop is here! Threema gear for all our friends and supporters

Now you can show support for your favorite messenger, look sharp and make sharing your Threema ID a snap all at once.

The new Threema Fan Shop offers a wide range of Threema gear, and, what’s more, many of the items can be customized with your Threema ID: You can print your Threema ID as a QR code on a mug, drawstring bag, T-shirt, sweatshirt or a hoodie. (Of course, you can also go the classic, non-personalized route.) Apparel is available for men, women and even for the little ones, and many of the accessories make great gifts. Check out the Fan Shop!

Improvements in group management and design (iOS)

When it comes to an app's usability and user experience, small changes can make a big difference. At first sight, you might not notice all adjustments we made in the current version (2.4.3) for iOS.

The most obvious changes concern groups: The process of creating a group has been simplified and is now much more intuitive. Group management has been generally improved, now you can see all your groups at a glance as they are listed separately in the contact list.

This update also contains design enhancements. For example, the chat list and contact's detail view have been revised. Threema provides a new option to disable push notifications per contact. Many other improvements are waiting to be discovered.

Read the full release notes here.

Independent security audit confirms: Threema lives up to its promises

We are convinced that Threema currently is the most secure mobile instant messenger on the market. A well-respected Swiss IT research lab has put Threema to the acid test. The result confirms the quality and security of our system across the board: “We confirm the quality of the system as claimed by Threema in their public specification”. All security-relevant aspects within the areas server, apps (Android and iOS) and Gateway were examined. For its thorough investigation, the auditing agency was granted full access to Threema app's source code as well as the servers, and our developer team provided any assistance needed.

Two of Threema's main promises are: The whole communication – including group chats, media, files and status messages – is end-to-end encrypted. Threema is designed to limit users' data track to a bare minimum (e.g., groups and contact lists are handled on users' devices instead of our servers). Both of these assertions were confirmed by the audit. Furthermore, the auditing agency attests in its report:

  • Threema's concepts meet the requirements for truly secure and trustworthy messaging.
  • The application of the encryption is correct and implemented as documented by Threema.
  • The used protocols are free of vulnerabilities.
  • The app's local data is stored in a safe and secure manner.
  • The server components only store data that is absolutely necessary for message delivery.
  • The servers are located in Switzerland.

Supplementing our comprehensive Cryptography Whitepaper, we hope that this security audit increases transparency and trust towards Threema further. The good result encourages us to remain true to our principles, and we will keep improving Threema by making it even more secure, user-friendly and feature-rich.

Read a summary of the audit report here.

Drupe brings contacts and communication apps together in one place – now featuring Threema

Good news for those of you who use Drupe: The contact app now integrates with your favorite messenger.

If you don't know Drupe yet: It’s a clever app that brings contacts and communication apps together – literally, on your screen. It lists your contacts on the left-hand side and the available communications apps (now including Threema) on the right side. With one swipe, you can start a conversation by simply moving a contact onto your preferred communication app.

Check out Drupe in the Google Play Store.

Threema for Android, Release 2.52: Android M permission model compatibility

Threema for Android gets another update. It now supports the new permission system introduced with the brand new Android 6.0 «Marshmallow» release. This feature gives Threema users full control over which permissions they want to grant. In fact, basic usage of Threema is now possible without enabling any of the runtime permissions. The update also includes many small improvements and bug fixes and adds a beautifully designed wallpaper.

All improvements and changes of Version 2.52: What’s new

Windows Phone update 1.4.2

An update of Threema for the Windows Phone platform is now available. Version 1.4.2 includes:

  • Landscape mode for chats
  • Configurable message text size
  • Additional privacy settings
  • Completely delete Threema ID and data on device
  • Bug fixes and many improvements