Android update 2.21

This version is mainly a bugfix release. It also adds a few smaller improvements and features:

  • Set an individual ringtone for each contact
  • Set password for key revocation directly from within the app. If your ID gets lost or stolen simply revoke it on
  • Widget to display unread messages on desktop or lock screen
  • Bug fixes and improvements

The voice message plugin was also updated to 1.1. It now allows you to preview recorded voice messages before sending them.

Android update 2.2

This release brings:

  • Video compression (Android 4.3+)
  • Launch video camera directly from chat
  • Display text messages as QR code, scan any QR code and send as a text message (Facilitates transferring passwords etc. from a chat message to another device)
  • Individual wallpapers for each chat
  • Optionally save encrypted ID to Android Backup (if enabled)
  • Preparations for advanced group administration
  • Bug fixes and improvements

iOS update 2.1.1

The release brings:

  • Forwarding of messages to other users or groups
  • Improvements to increase randomness when generating a new ID (by including data of the device's movements)
  • Closed polls can now be deleted
  • Preparations for advanced group administration (will be activated with next release)
  • And we did some bugfixes

Threema Poll Feature

Welcome to a completely new feature in the messaging world. How often do you need to find an agreement with your friends, family or partner?

With the Threema Poll Feature, this just became a breeze:

  • easily create a poll with a predefined set of choices
  • let your friends vote for their favorite
  • view the summed up results
  • single and multiple choice are supported
  • decide if intermediate results can be seen by the participants

It has never been that easy to decide on something with your peers.

Enabled on Threema versions Android 2.1 and iOS 2.1.

iOS follows with update 2.0

All iOS users can look forward to a great update. Among other things, the new update 2.0 provides:

  • Option to hide stale contacts (inactive for more than three months)
  • Redesigned image and video message bubbles
  • New chat header with quick access to media (including videos)
  • Allow editing contact immediately after scanning
  • Display a text message as a QR code by using the "Share" menu – simplifies securely transferring passwords etc. from a chat message to another device
  • Preparation for upcoming feature

Have fun!

Big Update for Android

Threema for Android gets a big update today. Threema's design has been refreshed and modernized, inspired by Google's new «Material Design». The app now also supports tablets with a multi-pane layout and allows you to acknowledge or answer messages directly from Android Wear devices such as smartwatches. The update 2.0 further includes:

  • Option to hide stale contacts (inactive for more than 3 months)
  • Material design inspired menus, toolbars, etc.
  • Redesigned navigation drawer
  • Floating action buttons
  • Combined notifications with picture/video preview
  • Search contacts in contact list
  • and much more

See here for the full change log.

Give the gift of security and privacy to your loved ones

Show your friends and family how convenient secure communication and privacy protection can be. The Threema Shop for Android and the iTunes App Store make it possible to present your loved ones with Threema in just a few simple steps.

Gift for iOS Users

  • Go to the Apple App Store and search for Threema
  • Tap on the detailed view
  • Tap right on top on the corner on forward and choose «Gift»
  • Follow the further instructions given on the screen

Gift for Android Users

  • Purchase one or more licenses in our Threema shop
  • After succesful payment you will receive an email with the license keys
  • Distribute the license to your presentee, for instance by email
  • Your loved ones can redeem the licenses here
  • New versions of the app can be automatically updated using the «About Threema» screen

Tips and Tricks on our Youtube-Channel

Threema has many features and with any update new are coming. Some are obvious some not and sometimes it’s easier to learn something looking at a video than looking up itself. Therefore we publish tutorial clips on our youtube-channel. Youtube Channel

New Promotion Clip

Mobile messaging apps are more popular than ever, but what security and privacy is concerned, the big names leave a lot to be desired. The Threema app offers a proven, serious and trustworthy alternative. Have fun with our new video clip.

More secure and trustworthy than its competitors

The leading German consumer safety organization Stiftung Warentest has scrutinized the five most popular instant messengers in Germany with regard to data protection and security. The result: Only Threema was deemed «non-critical». The other apps were considered «very critical» or «critical» by the independent foundation. (Zeit online, February 27, 2014)

Threema is the clear winner of the comprehensive messenger comparison by internet security experts PSW GROUP. Other popular messenger services ranked far behind. (, July 26, 2014)

Windows Phone Version coming soon

Good news! Threema for Windows Phone 8 is coming in autumn. No release date has been set yet but we'll keep you posted.