Streamlined User Administration in the Management Cockpit

· English version
Streamlined User Administration in the Management Cockpit

Threema Work’s management cockpit has received one of the most extensive updates in years. Not only was the user management completely redesigned, but various useful features were added to help administrators manage users in a more intuitive and efficient manner.

As of now, the question in which menu to change a name or to detach a Threema ID from the subscription is a thing of the past: the previous menu items “Credentials,” “Users,” and “App contacts” have been merged into the new “User management.”

All Users at a Glance

In the new menu item, all users and credentials appear in one tidy list and can be sorted, filtered, and searched. Issues requiring action are highlighted. This allows administrators, for example, to filter all users who haven’t activated their Threema Work app yet and might need a reminder.

Detail View

Clicking on a user in the user overview will lead to the detail page, where admins can see the user’s master data and license information. On this detail page, they can also adjust user-specific settings and add tags (more on this below).

Simplified Process to Add and Delete Users

There’s now one single button that allows administrators to add users, licenses for an MDM system, and external contacts to their subscription.

The update also makes it easier to add tags: Until now, admins could only allocate values such as the department, the region, or the employee number to employees in the app configuration (via the settings th_category and th_csi). Now, tags and the employee number can already be assigned to a user when adding them to the subscription. Tags can also be added or changed in a user’s detail view.

The new user management not only makes it easier to add users but also to delete them. If an employee leaves the company and their ID needs to be deleted or detached from the subscription, an intuitive wizard guides through the process. In addition, it’s now possible to delete multiple users at once: select the users you want to delete, and tap “Delete.”

As you can see, the whole user administration has been streamlined, and working with the management cockpit has become even more efficient.

Further details about the update can be found in the changelog.