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How can I find out what information is stored about my ID on Threema’s server?

To retrieve your ID’s inventory data that’s stored on the Threema server, simply send “info” to the Threema ID *MY3DATA, and you’ll immediately receive a reply in machine-readable form (JSON).

If you’re reading this page on the device where Threema is installed, simply open the following link, and then tap “Send”:

Explanation of the JSON keys:

  • identity: Threema ID
  • publicKey: Base64 coded
  • issueDate: date of ID creation
  • lastLogin: date of last login
  • mobileNoHash: hash of linked phone number
  • emailHash: hash of linked email address
  • featureMask: bit mask of features supported by the Threema version in use
    • 0x01: audio messages
    • 0x02: group chat
    • 0x04: polls
    • 0x08: file transfer
    • 0x10: calls
    • 0x20: video calls
  • pushtoken/voippushtoken: push token of the push services in use (GCM/FCM, APNS, HMS). This key is obsolete if the “pushtokens” key is present
  • pushtokens: list of devices that have a push token associated to them
    • device_id: base64-encoded bytes of the unsigned 64-bit integer that identifies a device
    • push_token/voip_token:
      • data: base64-encoded token
      • timestamp: unix timestamp when the token was set
      • type: describes the type of the token (HMS, Apple, FCM)
  • pushsound/pushgroupsound: name of the chosen sound file for push messages (not used on all platforms)
  • revocationKey: information about revocation password, if set

Editable inventory data can be modified or deleted at any time in the Threema app (in the “My Profile” (Android) or “Profile” (iOS) tab) with immediate effect (see this FAQ article for more information). To permanently delete your Threema ID’s inventory data, please revoke your ID.

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