Privacy Checkup: Find out how to improve your online privacy

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Which URL actions are supported?

URL actions allow to perform an action in Threema by tapping on a link. The following URL actions are available: (ABCDEFGH serves as placeholder for an arbitrary Threema ID.)

  • Add ID to contact list

    If the contact list does not contain the specified ID, the ID will be added to the contact list, and the contact details will be opened. If the contact list contains the specified ID, the respective chat will be opened.

  • Open chat

    Opens the chat with the specified ID. (If the contact list doesn’t contain the ID, the ID will be added to the contact list.)

  • Compose message

    Opens the chat with the specified ID and enters the provided text into the text field. (If the contact list doesn’t contain the ID, the ID will be added to the contact list.)

    Opens the contact picker. The provided text will be entered into the text field of the chat with the selected contact.

Please note that the Samsung Internet Browser currently doesn’t support these URL actions.

(The threema://-URL actions are still available. However, it is recommended to use the actions listed above whenever possible.)

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