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Threema for iOS Presents New Features and UI Improvements

· English version
Threema for iOS Presents New Features and UI Improvements

Voice messages polarize: while some use this feature on a daily basis, others prefer to keep their hands off it. Whichever camp you belong to: the most recent Threema update for iOS has something for everyone, sporting a new look for voice messages and adding the option to star messages.

Overhauled UI for Voice Messages

To bring across thoughts and ideas as concise as possible, i.e., without gaps and filling words, recording a voice message can now be paused in Threema for iOS. The recording is saved as a draft and can be resumed at a later point when you have gathered your thoughts.

In addition, the user interface for voice messages has been refreshed: ongoing recordings are now shown in the text-input field instead of in a pop-up as before.

Incoming voice messages that haven’t been played will now be marked as new. This allows you to see at a glance which voice messages you haven’t yet listened to. Once played, the marker disappears, and the detail view indicates at what time the message was played for the first time.

Starred Messages

If a message is particularly important, you can now star it for easier future reference. To do so, long-tap on the respective message to open the context menu, and select the star icon.

All starred messages can be accessed by tapping the “Starred Messages” button in the chat details. You can also filter starred messages in the global search by selecting the “Starred Messages” message type.

Speaking of the search functionality: as of Threema 6.0 for iOS, messages can be filtered by type in the global search. If you only want to search starred messages, for example, simply select the message type “Starred,” and enter your search term. As a result, all starred messages containing your search term will be displayed.

With this update, the time-consuming search for important messages and specific information is now a thing of the past. Read in the changelog what other improvements the 6.0 update includes.

Install the 6.0 update for iOS →